Design for Success

with React and Storybooks

Chris Saylor

Lead Engineer @ Zumba


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That's someone elses job.

Ugh, another sketch/photoshop slice job. Maybe, if I had been involved...

Why do we do it?

  • No code involved, so designers can work autonomously
  • Developers usually viewed as "bad" designers
  • Developers say no too often

Why Should we care about design?

Bad UX designs makes us susceptible to disruption.

Common Design Workflow

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Image source: @nicolesaidy

How do we bridge the gap?

Common Design Workflow

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Image source: @nicolesaidy


Why not just create an html styleguide?

  • Gets stale almost immediately.
  • The language barrier between designers and developers makes it hard to reference.

Why Storybook.js?

  • Integrates with React, Vue.js, and Angular
  • Immediate feedback of changes
  • Easily see history of changes
  • At the end of the design phase, we have functional components!


Keep data retrieval separate

Typical React Tutorial Component

export default class ListComponent extends React.Component {
    state = { items: [] }

    async componentDidMount() {
            items: await fetch('/items')

    renderItems() {
        return => <li>{item}</li>)

    render = () => (
        <ul>{ this.renderItems() }</ul>


Use props to display

export default class ListComponent extends React.Component {

    renderItems = () => {
        return (this.props.items || [])
            .map(item => <li>{item}</li>)

    render = () => <ul>{ this.renderItems() }</ul>

Pass the state data to the view

import List from './list-component';
export default class ListContainer extends React.Component {

    state = { items: [] }

    async componentDidMount() {
            items: await fetch('/items')

    render = () => <List items={this.state.items}/>


import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';
import List from './list-component';

storiesOf('List', module)
    .add('No items', () => <List />)
    .add('One item', () => <List items={['item 1']} />)
    .add('Multiple items', () => (
        <List items={['item 1', 'item 2', 'item 3']} />

Storybook Capabilities

  • Show when user actions occur in the view

Add a click action

export default class ListComponent extends React.Component {

    onClick = (e) => {

    renderItems = () => {
        return (this.props.items || [])
            .map(item => (
                <li onClick={this.onClick}>{item}</li>

    render = () => <ul>{ this.renderItems() }</ul>


Add the "actions" addon

$ npm install @storybook/addon-actions
// addons.js
import '@storybook/addon-actions/register';

This is what is responsible for showing the action panel

Modify our story for the action

import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';
import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';
import List from './list-component';

storiesOf('List', module)
    .add('Multiple items', () => {
        return (
                onItemClicked={action('Item clicked!')}
                items={['item 1', 'item 2', 'item 3']}

Storybook Capabilities

  • Allow User Input In Stories

Add the "knobs" addon

$ npm install @storybook/addon-knobs
// addons.js
import '@storybook/addon-knobs/register';

This is what is responsible for showing the panel

Modify the story

import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';
import List from './list-component';
import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';
import {withKnobs, array} from '@storybook/addon-knobs';

storiesOf('List', module)
    .add('Multiple items', () => (
            onItemClicked={action('Item clicked!')}
                array('Items', [
                    'item 1',
                    'item 2',
                    'item 3'

Storybook Capabilities

  • Interactive Unit Tests

Utilize in Your Workflow


  • Show what components are available for composition
  • Can show full page layouts


  • No backend required
  • Get a feel for the product before investing in backend integration

Product Demos

  • Stitch together stories With the link addon to demo a product.

Case Studies


  • Getting involved in the design process doesn't have to be scary
  • Start fresh or add to existing React/VueJS app
  • Hit the ground running when designs are finished
  • Version control designs and their stories


